Tag Archives: leavis


13 Sep

Talk about adding kindling to the fire. Well Snow, whether it was intentional or not, you got the job done. I think this whole culture split is just silly. But I guess it’s hard not to give labels of “Us Vs. Them”. Snow claims to have grown up with writer skills, but trained as a scientist. Well guess what buddy, I was born into a house with an artsy fartsy mom and pragmatic logical dad. And to this day, I still find hanging out with them both tiring and interesting. With the household quaking with ideals, I didn’t really grow up thinking one might be better than the other (I did feel a difference between the two though). But really, Snow just wrote an entire lecture about the difference between humanities and science. If these two subjects are indeed a culture as he claims, it’s kind of like walking up to two different international students (from different countries, of course) and stating the difference between their way of life. Not really helpful if you ask me. And it certainly doesn’t make you any friends.

Like dear Leavis. His feathers were certainly ruffled, so much so he had to sit furiously in front of his desk one day and write out approximately 20 pages of angry ranting. By angry ranting, I mean 20 different ways stating how bad Snow’s character is. Which, in my opinion, was a little uncalled for. Besides the whole essay dripping with sweet sarcasm, I couldn’t help but sense a little bitterness as well. It’s kind of like eating an unbalanced sour patch kid, if you get my drift. Seriously, the WHOLE time I read this essay, I couldn’t help but replay this song in my head: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh7ou5olbiY. I laughed, I pouted, I inwardly screamed “Just shut up, kiss, and make up already!”

If you ask me, humanities and science are not so much a different culture then soul mates. As you may have guessed from the title, I’m a bit of a fan of rivalmance. Which is rival+romance for those that can’t keep up. Humanities and Science represent this to the utmost, they are literally yin and yang. They’re so different, that they balance each other to the point where one can’t possibly live without the other. They need each other in order for humans to progress. So don’t separate them…that’s mean.

~~~Jenieve Cumberland
