Tag Archives: future

Future Danger

22 Nov

This very interesting video from Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman demonstrates some of the possibilities that Ray Kurzweil was explaining in his essay. This episode of the show talks about how there is upcoming technology that could hack into your brain. Morgan Freeman states how difficult this task is because the information in our mind is not in binary but in neurons, however, science is still coming closer to achieving this goal. Science has been advancing medical technologies such as this for a long time which has led to increased lifespans and smaller mortality rates. However, with this technology comes an increased level of responsibility needed for the user.
This type of technology can easily be used by the wrong person and so it needs a set of values to counterbalance it. Upcoming technologies such as this one are furthering the gap between science and the humanities because scientists are not taking into account all the societal ramifications that can come from these advancements.
While some of this technology seems very beneficial to some patients in need, it also is an extremely frightening proposition. That one day someone else could be in control of our minds or have them rewrite what we know. I think that this is a perfect moment for the humanities and sciences to join together to create a set of values that Bronowski talked about in his essay. It seems that science might be advancing too quickly for society and that we do not have enough defenses or barriers for this kind of technology that is about to exist.